How to Install Home Assistant Operating System (Complete & Updated)

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Home Assistant on a PC
Welcome to Chuck Builds!
In this guide, I'll walk you through the updated process of installing Home Assistant OS directly onto a PC. This video series refreshes the content from my most popular video, with updated steps and recommendations. Let's dive in!
HAOS Definition:
We're installing Home Assistant Operating System (HAOS) directly onto the PC, not using Docker or virtualization. I have other videos on virtualization options if you are looking for that.
Required BIOS Changes:
- Enter BIOS by pressing
, depending on your device). - Enable
UEFI boot mode
. - Disable
Secure boot
. - Ensure multiple cores and Intel features (SpeedStep, Turbo Boost) are enabled.
- Set
EC recovery
orPower recovery
options. (I prefer recover from AC Loss) - Save and exit.
Method 1: Using a USB Flash Drive
Method Overview:
- Software Needed: Balena Etcher (or other imaging tool)
- Operating System: Ubuntu
- Hardware Needed: USB Drive 4GB or larger
- Such as: (Amazon Affiliate link, I receive a small commission)
- We will be using an existing device (PC or Mac) to write the Ubuntu Image onto a flash drive. We will then Boot into Ubuntu on the device, download the HomeAssistant Image, and write it to the SSD/ Harddrive of our target device. The reason we need to do it this way, is so that we have the entire disk "free" to be written to.
Step 1: Download Ubuntu
- Go to Ubuntu and download the Ubuntu Desktop image.
Step 2: Download Balena Etcher
- Go to Balena Etcher and download the software.
- Install Balena Etcher.
Step 3: Write Ubuntu to USB Drive
- Open Balena Etcher.
- Select
Flash from file
and choose the downloaded Ubuntu image. - Select the USB drive as the target.
- Click
Step 4: Set BIOS Boot Order for USB
- Insert the USB drive into the PC.
- Enter BIOS again by pressing
. - Navigate to
Boot sequence
. - Ensure the USB drive is at the top of the boot order.
- Save and exit.
Step 5: Boot into Ubuntu
- Boot the PC and select
Try Ubuntu
from the boot menu.
Step 6: Download Home Assistant OS on Ubuntu
- Connect to the internet.
- Go to Home Assistant and download the OS image for x86_64 machines.
Step 7: Write Home Assistant OS to SSD
- Use the Ubuntu Disk Utility to write the Home Assistant OS image to the SSD.
- Ensure the correct drive is selected as this will erase all data on the drive.
Step 8: Boot into Home Assistant OS
- Remove the USB drive.
- Restart the PC and boot from the SSD.
- Enter the IP address shown during boot into your browser (e.g.,
Method 1 Links:
- Ubuntu Download Link: Ubuntu
- BalenaEtcher Download Link: BalenaEtcher
- (Alternative to BalenaEtcher) Rufus: Rufus
- (Alternative to BalenaEtcher) PenDriveLinux: PenDriveLinux
- HomeAssistant Image: Home Assistant Installation Guide
Method 2: Using an Adapter
Method Overview:
- Software Needed: Rufus or other Imaging tool (Balena Etcher or PenDriveLinux)
- Operating System: Home Assistant OS
- Hardware Needed: This method requires additional hardware such as a SATA to USB adapter or an NVMe to USB-C adapter.
- Such as these Amazon Affiliate Links (I receive a small commission):
- We will be writing the Operating system directly to the SSD (or Hard drive) of the target host device using the adapter. This method requires knowledge of how to remove & reinstall the disk from the target host device.
Step 1: Remove SSD from PC
- Open your PC case.
- Locate and remove the SSD.
- Connect the SSD to your computer using the SATA to USB adapter.
Step 2: Download Home Assistant OS
- Go to Home Assistant and download the OS image for x86_64 machines.
Step 3: Download Rufus
- Go to Rufus and download the software.
- Install Rufus.
Step 4: Write Home Assistant OS to Drive
- Open Rufus.
- Select the Home Assistant image file.
- Select the SSD as the target.
- Click
and confirm the action.
Step 5: Replace SSD in PC
- Reinsert the SSD into the PC.
- Ensure it is securely connected.
Step 6: Boot into Home Assistant OS
- Boot the PC.
- Enter the IP address shown during boot into your browser (e.g.,
Method 2 Links:
- HomeAssistant Image: Home Assistant Installation Guide
- Rufus Download: Rufus
- (Alternative to Rufus) BalenaEtcher Download Link: BalenaEtcher
- (Alternative to Rufus) PenDriveLinux: PenDriveLinux
WiFi Command:
network update WIRELESSINTERFACENAMEHERE --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method auto --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-mode infrastructure --wifi-ssid WIFI-NAME --wifi-psk WIFI-PASSWORD
Use quotes on WiFi name or password if they contain spaces.
Amazon Affiliate Links:
I receive a small commission if you decide to purchase any of these items. Thanks for your support!
Full Video
- 00:00 - Intro
- 00:27 - HAOS Definition
- 01:18 - Host Requirements
- 02:35 - Comparison of Installation Methods 1 & 2
- 03:18 - Required BIOS Changes
- 06:02 - Method 1 Overview
- 06:32 - Method 1 Walkthrough
- 07:04 - Step 1: Download Ubuntu
- 07:50 - Step 2: Download BalenaEtcher (Or Alternative)
- 09:05 - Step 3: Write Ubuntu to USB Drive
- 10:12 - Step 4: Setting BIOS Boot Order for USB
- 10:42 - Step 5: Booting into Ubuntu
- 11:36 - Step 6: Writing HAOS to USB
- 12:39 - Step 7: Boot into HomeAssistant OS
- 13:03 - Method 2 Overview
- 13:25 - Method 2 Walkthrough
- 13:53 - Step 1: Remove SSD from PC
- 15:00 - Step 2: Download HomeAssistant OS
- 15:13 - Step 3: Download Rufus
- 15:24 - Step 4: Write HAOS to Drive
- 15:46 - Step 5: Replace SSD in PC
- 16:31 - Step 6: Boot into HAOS
- 17:08 - Static IP Setup
- 19:35 - Wifi Setup
- 21:05 - Fix Balena Flash Drive
- 22:00 - Outro
Supporting Videos:
- HomeAssistant Installation Guide: Home Assistant Installation Guide
- Chuck Builds Companion Guide: Chuck Builds
- Chuck Builds Old HomeAssistant Install Video: YouTube
- Chuck Builds HomeAssistant Video Playlist: YouTube Playlist
- Home Assistant First Boot Walkthrough: YouTube