How to Update Postgres to Support the Latest Version of Formbricks

Recently Formbricks updated to 2.7 which requires a different type of PostgreSQL installation. If you've previously followed my Webhosting for an Organization series, you might need to follow these steps to get Formbricks working again.

How to Update Postgres to Support the Latest Version of Formbricks

Recently Formbricks updated to 2.7 which requires a different type of PostgreSQL installation.

If you've previously followed my Webhosting for an Organization series, you might need to follow these steps to get Formbricks working again.

If you watched the series after 12/8/24 you probably won't need to follow these steps.

Migration Guide:


Backup Command:

docker exec postgresql pg_dump -Fc -U postgres_user -d formbricks > formbricks_pre_v2.7_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).dump

Migration Command:

docker pull &&
docker run --rm
-e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres_user:postgres_password@postgresql:5432/formbricks?schema=public"

Restore Command:

docker exec -i postgresql pg_restore -U postgres_user -d formbricks < formbricks_pre_v2.7_*.dump

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